In The Feast of the Goat, Mario Vargas Llosa eloquently explores the effects of power and violence...
A Heart So White
In the middle of a family lunch Teresa, just married, goes to the bathroom, unbuttons her blouse...
In the autumn of his days, a privy councillor contemplates his past, looking back at the key...
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
"A dark and brilliant achievement" -- Ian McEwan. A young woman is in love with a successful...
Not a River
Three men go out fishing, returning to a favourite spot on the river despite their memories of a...
As darkness settles on a forgotten castle at the foot of the Carpathian mountains. two men sit...
The Venice Train
During a chance meeting on the train from Venice to Paris, a stranger asks Justin Calmar to...
Betty Boo
When a Buenos Aires industrialist is found dead at his home in an exclusive gated community, the...
Detective story
"A dark, disturbing novel, from a writer with a profound understanding of a dictatorship's inner...
The Man Who Watched The Trains Go By
Kees Popinga is a respectable Dutch citizen and family man. Until the day he discovers that his...