Hella has always suffered from a need to nurture lost souls, fostering a series of hopeless men...
Reasonable Doubts
The third novel in the Guido Guerrieri series of legal thrillers by retired anti-Mafia prosecutor...
A Walk in the Dark
"An immensely appealing flawed hero and the portrayal of a slice of Italian society not normally...
The Square of Revenge
Pieter Aspe, who died earlier this year at the age of 68, began writing the popular Inspector Van...
The Spoke
Friedrich Glauser (1896 – 1938), often compared to Simenon, is hailed as a legendary figure in...
Death and the Penguin
No one wants to publish Viktor's short stories, but one day he gets a call from a newspaper asking...
All Yours
Obsessive love, adultery and revenge. The disintegration of one Buenos Aires family is told in...