Aboard a cargo ship sailing from Brazil to the German Democratic Republic in the mid-1950s, two...
Fontamara is one of the Italian classics of the twentieth century. It was written in 1933 and was...
If this is a man
"With the moral stamina and intellectual poise of a twentieth-century Titan, this slightly built,...
"Not since Kafka or Beckett has a writer packed so much metaphysics into so tight a space." -- New...
Detective story
"A dark, disturbing novel, from a writer with a profound understanding of a dictatorship's inner...
A Model Childhood
In 1933, Nelly is four years old and lives in Landsberg. Nelly's family believes in Hitler's new...
The Passenger
With storm troppers battering against his door, Otto Silbermann is forced to flee through the back...
Alone in Berlin
According to Primo Levi, Alone in Berlin is "the greatest book ever written about the German...
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
Aristocratic, rich and seemingly aloof, the Finzi-Contini family fascinate the narrator of this...
Pereira Maintains
"One of the most intriguing and appealing character studies in recent European fiction." -Kirkus...