In his second case, Montalbano discovers a secret grotto in a mountain cave where two young...
The Shape of Water
The first in the series of The Inspector Montalbano Mysteries. When a pillar of the community is...
The Rabbit Factor
What makes life perfect? Insurance mathematician Henri Koskinen knows the answer because he...
The Pharmacist
Hella has always suffered from a need to nurture lost souls, fostering a series of hopeless men...
Bullet Train
"Part high-octane thriller, part farce, and laced with philosophical and literary debates, this is...
Reasonable Doubts
The third novel in the Guido Guerrieri series of legal thrillers by retired anti-Mafia prosecutor...
A Walk in the Dark
"An immensely appealing flawed hero and the portrayal of a slice of Italian society not normally...
Involuntary Witness
The first of six novels in the Guido Guerrieri series by retired Italian anti-Mafia prosecutor...
The Square of Revenge
Pieter Aspe, who died earlier this year at the age of 68, began writing the popular Inspector Van...
The Spoke
Friedrich Glauser (1896 – 1938), often compared to Simenon, is hailed as a legendary figure in...