In The Sicilian Method, Andrea Camilleri's twenty-sixth novel in the Inspector Montalbano mystery...
The Master and Margarita
A classic of Stalin-era Russian literature. The devil makes a personal appearance in Moscow. His...
First published in 1954, Moravia maintained that Contempt (sometimes published under the title of...
Kafka on the Shore
Kafka on the Shore follows the fortunes of two remarkable characters. Kafka Tamura runs away from...
The True Deceiver
From the New York Review of Books Edition: Deception—the lies we tell ourselves and the lies we...
Lucky Breaks
Out of the impoverished Ukrainian coal regions, where Russian secret military intervention mixes...
Spanning five generations, this novel blends family and historical drama to absolute perfection....
How The Soldier Repairs The Gramophone
Saša Stanišić was born in 1978 in the Bosnian town of Višegrad, and has been living in Germany...
"One of the greatest novels ever written about grief, loneliness and isolation...Richly, almost...