In The Feast of the Goat, Mario Vargas Llosa eloquently explores the effects of power and violence...
When We Cease to Understand the World
When We Cease to Understand the World shows us great minds striking out into dangerous, uncharted...
A Heart So White
In the middle of a family lunch Teresa, just married, goes to the bathroom, unbuttons her blouse...
Don Quixote
"Here presented complete and unabridged, in the memorable Walter Starkie translation, is the epic...
The Sum of Our Days
A brilliant memoir from the celebrated Chilean novelist on friends, family and life in California,...
The Way to Paradise
The Way to Paradise interweaves the story of the painter Paul Gauguin with that of his...
Two young men are dying in a deserted amusement park. The story begins almost at its end, just...
Not a River
Three men go out fishing, returning to a favourite spot on the river despite their memories of a...
The House of the Spirits
A beautiful quarterbound hardback edition of Allende's debut novel, chronicling three generations...
The Savage Detectives
One of the most dazzling Latin American novels of the twentieth century. New Year's Eve 1975,...