The third instalment of Jónassaon's Dark Iceland Series. 1955.Two young couples move to the...
A huge bestseller in England, France, and Australia, the second book in the Dark Iceland series...
He Lover of Death
Senka Skorikov, orphan and urchin, has been abandoned to the murky world of Moscow's gangster...
The Sicilian Method
In The Sicilian Method, Andrea Camilleri's twenty-sixth novel in the Inspector Montalbano mystery...
The Savage Detectives
One of the most dazzling Latin American novels of the twentieth century. New Year's Eve 1975,...
The Snack Thief
When an elderly man is stabbed to death in the lift of his apartment block and a crewman on an...
The Voice of the Violin
Montalbano's gruesome discovery of a naked young woman suffocated in her bed immediately sets him...
Vanishing Point
An enigmatic mystery set in a fictional Genova. When an unidentified corpse is brought into the...
The Oxford Brotherhood
Mathematics student G is trying to resurrect his studies, which is proving difficult as he finds...
The Oxford Murders
A lovely review from Marcus du Sautoy in The Guardian to whet your appetite for this mathematical...